1. [PDF] Final Programme | GARDP
It is our pleasure and a great privilege to welcome you to the 29th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases in Amsterdam.
2. ESCMID eLibrary
From the archive: ECCMID and more before 2010 ... Belogurova ... surgical site infections and other non-infectious complications after orthopaedic surgery.
3. Pharmaceutics, Volume 15, Issue 9 (September 2023) – 194 articles
Multimodal prehabilitation programs to improve physical fitness before surgery often include nutritional interventions. This study evaluates the efficacy of ...
Pharmaceutics, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal.
4. [PDF] The Malayan Communist Party as Recorded in the Comintern Files
Papers in this series are preliminary in nature and are intended to stimulate discussion and critical comment. The Editorial Committee accepts no ...
5. 10th Trends in Medical Mycology Held on 8 to 11 October 2021, Aberdeen ...
We examined side-effects and rates of completion of antifungal prophylaxis before and after this change. Materials & Methods: Retrospective study of all ...
Plenary Sessions:
Prevention Of Caries Before And After Treatment. Irina A Belenova*, Evgenij ... Effectiveness Of Surgical Treatment Of The Left-Sided Displacement Of ...
RES J PHARM BIOL CHEM SCI Volume 10, Issue 1, 2019 (January - February)
25 mei 2016 · Incidence and management of chyle leak following surgery for ... after allogenic HSCT - Varvara Brilliantova, Larisa. Shelikhova ...
8. Remote Sens., Volume 14, Issue 21 (November-1 2022) – 346 articles
... of breast carcinoma before receiving NAC, based on [...] ... We characterized the clinical and sociodemographic factors predictive of surgery refusal in pituitary ...
Remote Sensing, an international, peer-reviewed Open Access journal.
9. Theoretical study of physisorption of tosylate on AU10, AU15 and AU18 ...
31 dec 2023 · ... before and during the submission process, as it can lead to ... Belogurova, Yuriy N. Neradovskiy, Svetlana V. Bastrygina, Corrosion ...
La transferencia de carga desde los nanomateriales orgánicos a las superficies de metales preciosos ocurre como resultado del fenómeno de fisisorción. La fisisorción desempeña un papel importante en muchas aplicaciones. Se investigaron un conjunto de propiedades, como geometrías moleculares, mapas de densidad de contorno, potenciales electrostáticos (PE), espectros infrarrojos (IR), estados electrónicos, energías HOMO y LUMO, brechas de energía (Eg), potencial de ionización (I.P), afinidad electrónica (E.A), momento dipolar, polarizabilidades α_xx, α_yy y α_zz, polarizabilidad promedio <α>, simetría y densidad de estados utilizando algoritmos del paquete de software Gaussian 09 con bases LANL2DZ y B3LYP. Se investigó la energía del estado fundamental de (Au10-OTS), (Au15), (Au15-OTS), (Au18) y (Au18-OTS), pero la estructura de (Au10) se ha presentado con bases LANL2MB y B3LYP. El estudio de investigación aborda el fenómeno de la fisisorción desde el nanomaterial orgánico hasta el silano (OTS) en la superficie de metal precioso (superficies de oro), y se concentra en si ocurre un procedimiento de transferencia de carga en la superficie. Los fenómenos de fisisorción y el procedimiento de transferencia de carga que ocurren en la superficie se pueden conocer a través de algunas propiedades, como los mapas de contorno de energía cerrada, los potenciales electrostáticos, la simetría y la densidad de estados. Se estudiaron los estados electrónicos y la propiedad de la brecha d...
10. [PDF] Climate Variability and Human Activities in Relation to Northeast ...
A., Belogurova L.S. Influence of the Razdolnaya River on the structure of marine free-living nematodes (Amursky Bay, Sea of Japan) // Russian Journal of.
See AlsoEl asesino de los caprichos
11. [PDF] Final Programme European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and ...
... surgery. V.G. Fowler*, K.B. Allen, B.W. Turnbull,. E.D. Moreira, M. Moustafa ... before prescribing Vfend Film-coated Tablets or Vfend Powder for ...
12. Community-Reviewed Biological Network Models for Toxicology and ...
... After the NVC2, it was decided to merge the four senescence-related models ... Networks before the NVC (v1.1) were compared with networks changed at ...
Europe PMC is an archive of life sciences journal literature.
13. Search | Voprosy onkologii
... Larisa Vashchenko, Tatyana Ausheva, Stella ... SURGERY AFTER NEOADJUVANT CHEMOTHERAPY IN ... Belogurova , Aleksandr Valerevich ...
Артем Бухаров , Виталий Державин, Андрей Каприн, Наталья Харченко , Гаджимурад Запиров, Цзюнь Ван
14. Experimental study and mathematical modelling of convective thin-layer ...
22 feb 2023 · ... before and during the submission process, as it can lead to ... Belogurova, Yuriy N. Neradovskiy, Svetlana V. Bastrygina, Corrosion ...
En este estudio, se investigó la cinética de secado del noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) en un secador de túnel de laboratorio a temperaturas de aire de 50, 60 y 70 °C y velocidades de 1.0, 1.5 y 2.0 m/s. Noni mostró solo un período de velocidad de secado decreciente. Además, se utilizó un procedimiento de regresión no lineal para determinar la curva de secado característica. Los datos experimentales de secado de noni se emplearon para ajustar modelos de capa fina. Bajo las condiciones experimentales evaluadas, el modelo de Page proporcionó la mejor representación de las características de secado de capa fina del noni. La difusividad de humedad efectiva osciló entre 1.77 × 10-7 y 3.33 × 10-7 m2/s. Se encontró que la energía de activación era de 3.34 kJ/mol.
15. Search
научный биометрический журнал, который знакомит читателя с клиническими рекомендациями и особенностями применения лекарственных и вакцинных средств у детей, предоставляет исчерпывающую информацию о воздействии лекарственных средств на плод, о проводимых в
16. [DOC] Publications of NWSMU in Web of Science /Scopus in 2012-2017
... of Life with Congenital Heart Disease in the Early Period after Surgery with Cardioplegic Anoxia ... before breakfast or the main meal of the day, Ahren, B ...
17. Публикации – Центр коллективного пользования, Тамбов
1. Golovin D.Y., Samodurov A.A., Tyurin A.I. et al. New Measurement Method of Thermal Conductivity of Fluids. Russ Phys J 65, 1755–1757. https://doi.org/10.1007 ...
Публикации со ссылками на использование оборудования ЦКП ТГУ имени Г.Р. Державина - Центр коллективного пользования научным оборудованием
18. Browsing 2012's Items - UBC Library Open Collections
... after spinal cord injury - Crawford, Mark Alexander "You can study with joy ... Before the curtain falls : Samuel Beckett and E.M. Cioran - Friesen ...
UBC Library's Open Collections include digital photos, books, newspapers, maps, videos, theses and more. These publicly-accessible collections are constantly growing and reflect the research interests of the UBC community and beyond.
19. concentration coal-water slurry: Topics by Science.gov
An apparatus for and method of pumping hot, erosive slurry of coal solids in a coal derived, water immiscible liquid to higher pressure involves the use of a ...